How To Survive Your Teenage Years: Making Friends, Ignoring Drama, Handling Stress, Dealing with Boys, and Taking Care of Yourself!

Girl, welcome to teenage life! Give yourself a tap on the shoulder; you did so well to be able to reach this stage. Good job!

I know it’s hard, and sometimes you feel like it’s the end of the world, but trust me, it’s not. You got this! You are now at one of the most challenging seasons in your life, so take it easy. You’ll be fine!

Drama, issues, stress, boys, etc. will always be around when you are a teenager, especially when you are a girl.
Things will always seem complicated and hard to deal with, but with the proper knowledge and guidance, you will nail this journey and spend your teenage years the best way!

They say teenagers nowadays are “woke”; they can call out the government online but can’t ask for extra ketchup at a restaurant.

Teenagers nowadays would be ready for a zombie apocalypse but not prepared for a math test tomorrow xD.

Well, the teenage years are challenging and exciting at the same time. Making friends, dealing with drama and boys, and overcoming stress are just the tip of the iceberg on this journey.

This book is here to help you survive and thrive on your rough teenage journey.

Here, you will find a series of guides that can help you through adolescent life.

The best part of this book is the tips you can gather and apply in your daily life because this book dwells on reality which is what you need to immerse yourself more.

If during your younger years things were as easy as hiding and seek, now, it’s a little bit harder. Because you are growing up, and life gets a little solemn daily.

Without proper guidelines, books to read, and proper discipline from their parents, most teenage girls learn life lessons the hard way, affecting their lives drastically.

And girl, we don’t want that for you. You don’t need to get wounded to know it hurts. You can learn from other people’s mistakes and take them as a good motivation.

You will be inspired and enlightened when you finish reading each segment in this book. You will have the skills and strategies to do what is right and best for you rather than what others want you to do or what society expects you to do.

Your teenage years will fly so fast; you might as well learn how to spend them very well.

You won’t be a teen forever; embrace your journey and make the most of it.

This book is for you if you feel like you are one of the teenage girls who need a little push and guidance.
Enjoy reading and learning!


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